Curious about how to exercise after liposuction? Palm Desert’s Cosmetic Surgery Institute knows that patients (especially if they’re accustomed to being very active) will be looking forward to returning to their typical exercise routine after having liposuction, but will want to know the safest way they can do so.

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to remove stubborn fat deposits from specific areas of the body, resulting in a more sculpted and contoured figure. After undergoing liposuction, it’s natural to be eager to resume your regular exercise routine and maintain your newly achieved results. Liposuction won’t prevent you from gaining weight on other areas of the body if you have an unhealthy lifestyle, so it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep yourself in shape if you want to maintain optimal results.

However, it’s crucial to approach post-liposuction exercise with caution to ensure a safe and smooth recovery. In this post, we’ll explore the best ways to safely restart your exercise routine after having liposuction.

  • Follow Guidelines

Each person’s recovery process varies, so we will give you personalized guidelines for recovery based on your overall health and the extent of your liposuction surgery.

  • Wait for Clearance

Before you resume your regular workouts or any intense exercise, it’s important to wait for your surgeon to give you clearance to do so. The timeline for when you can resume working out will depend on how well you’re healing.

  • Start With Gentle, Light Movements

Remember that you should start slowly if you’re resuming exercise when it’s safe to do so after liposuction. Brief, easy walks will help to improve blood circulation. Try to avoid putting too much strain on the areas that were treated. Light walking is a great, low-impact exercise to help you ease back into your routine. You can gradually increase your walking distance and duration.

  • Avoid High-Impact Exercise Until You’ve Fully Recovered

For the first few weeks, you’ll need to avoid running, jumping, contact sports, or other high-impact exercises. This is to avoid re-opening incisions and give your body time it can devote solely to healing so you have the best results possible.

For more advice about how to exercise after liposuction, contact our team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute so that we can explain more about how to gradually return to your normal activities after this cosmetic surgery. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.