Resolutions, Habits, and Plastic Surgery: How a Cosmetic Procedure Can Help You form Positive Patterns

The key to sticking with a resolution is to turn your goal into a habit. That’s the word from a recent story about why most people’s new year’s resolutions fail, anyway. A little over a month into 2025, and you can expect one in 10 people to have already bailed. In just three more months, studies show, most people will have abandoned their well-laid intentions for self-improvement. So what does this have to do with plastic surgery in Palm Desert and Palm Springs? Plenty, actually!

According to an author and speaker from Crucial Learning, the key to keeping a resolution lies in turning it into a habit. The first step is to come up with a cue or trigger that will prime you to think about the habit you are trying to form.

This is where the plastic surgery comes in.

One of the most popular resolutions each year is to get healthy. That typically means exercising more, eating well, or both. After just a few weeks of early morning jogs or all-salad lunches, motivation can begin to take a major nosedive.

Our brains are easily trickable, however, if we create a positive feedback loop that starts us thinking about how we are succeeding. In other words, if we see that we are making progress, we are more likely to stick with our efforts—even if the progress is not directly attributable to the new behavior.

See where this is going?

Plastic surgery like liposuction or a tummy tuck can help patients to get a slimmer and sleeker look. Each time you look in the mirror and see your newly sculpted contours, you can get a little jolt of positivity. That jolt can be your cue to think about how you’re going to continue making improvements on your road to a healthier and healthier you! Soon, you will be eating better and exercising routinely, all without having to force yourself to remember to do it.

Another bit of advice is start small. Don’t commit to running a marathon—or even a half marathon—in the next few months. Set your sights on just jogging for about 15 minutes at a time at first. Or maybe set a goal of actually getting out of bed when your earlier-than-usual alarm clock goes off for the next week, just so you can get in the habit.

Finally, be sure to reward yourself for your progress and achievements. Perhaps a wrinkle-smoothing skin treatment is in order?

Talk to us about the body contours you want to present to the world as you develop habits to keep your resolutions going strong. Contact the Cosmetic Surgery Institute office online or call 760.837.0364.