If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you’re not alone. In fact, rhinoplasty (nose job) surgery was the most performed form of cosmetic surgery in the United States in 2020, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics. Patients who visit Cosmetic Surgery Institute for rhinoplasty have often spent years avoiding side profile photos or caking on makeup to conceal their nose shape because of their insecurities. Many of them decide that having a nose job from a Los Angeles-area plastic surgeon would be the best way to improve their appearance.

Not sure whether you should have your nose surgically altered? There are several factors that a plastic surgeon and patient might consider when deciding whether someone is an ideal candidate for this procedure. 

To be eligible for cosmetic nose surgery, the candidate must be at least over the age of 15 and emotionally mature enough to understand everything that’s involved in the surgery. Also, their facial growth should be complete. Being in good overall health with no serious medical conditions or illnesses is a must, and ideally you should also be a non-smoker or have shown that you can stop smoking for a significant length of time. Plastic surgeons prefer to work with patients who maintain realistic expectations and a positive outlook about enhancing their appearance.

Patients might seek a nose job to correct various cosmetic concerns such as a birth defect, a dorsal hump (which is a bump on the nose bridge that slopes down to the tip of the nose and can look prominent when seen from the side of the face), a nose that is too wide or too narrow for the face, an asymmetrical nose that is twisted or deviated, a pronounced nasal tip that is out of proportion with the rest of the face, a drooping nasal tip, post-traumatic deformities, and nasal airway problems. Nose jobs can also have functional benefits, such as repairing nasal fractures, restoring breathing function, and opening blocked nasal passages. 

Learn about what to expect before and after a nose job by contacting the team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Have questions? Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.