How do you know if you’re a good candidate for liposuction?” Our Palm Desert-based team hears this question from patients who are considering body contouring treatments. While there is no single way to determine whether surgical fat reduction is ideal for a person, there are a few criteria to consider when considering the procedure.

When body fat doesn’t respond to diet and exercise, the persistent pockets and bulges can make you frustrated and prompt you to want to look for other options, such as liposuction—a life-changing procedure that involves reducing excess subcutaneous fat from specific areas of the body to create slimmer, better-defined contours.

Ideal candidates for liposuction include patients who:

  • Are within 30 percent of their ideal body weight
  • Are happy with their overall body size and maintain a stable weight
  • Are unhappy with the appearance of fat deposits on some area of the body, which is diminishing their quality of life
  • Have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone
  • Maintain a positive outlook and realistic expectations
  • Are non-smokers
  • Are unable to reduce stubborn fat deposits with traditional, non-surgical methods like exercise and dietary changes

Patients who are bothered by cellulite or stretch marks, are overweight or obese, have a severe illness or infection that could impair healing, or have poor skin elasticity may not be eligible for liposuction—but can talk to our team about other options and strategies.

Also, remember that liposuction can only remove up to 10 pounds of fat or so.

If you have recently given birth or lost a significant amount of weight, you may have some loose, stretched-out skin—and removing more fat could make the lax skin even looser. Skin can also lose some of its elasticity as you get older. Patients with sagging skin can still choose liposuction, but may also want to consider a tuck or lift to remove the excess tissue.

The first step in any case is to have a consultation, tell us about your goals, and ask us about the cost, risks, and benefits of this surgery. Before committing to the procedure, ask us if it is the best option for achieving your goals.

Ready to get started? Our Cosmetic Surgery Institute team is available to help. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you want to discuss surgical options to reduce stubborn fat for more streamlined contours.