BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®: How Do They Compare?

When it comes to getting
rid of pesky wrinkles and lines, patients know that BOTOX®
in Palm Desert
is an
especially effective way to achieve a more alert, rejuvenated, and youthful
facial appearance. However, some patients may be unaware that BOTOX®
isn’t the only injectable neurotoxin available; there are other products, such
as Dysport® and Xeomin®, that are comparable to the most
famous wrinkle-fighting brand. Statistics from the American Society of Plastic
Surgeons show that botulinum toxin type A injections were the most frequently
performed minimally invasive procedure in 2019.

Wondering which of the botulinum
toxin-derived injectables is best suited for your needs? Our Cosmetic Surgery
Institute team provides a basic explanation of the subtle similarities and
differences between BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®.


BOTOX® is FDA-approved
for frown lines (glabellar lines), crow’s feet, and forehead lines. It’s the
most popular wrinkle injection of its kind in the United States and was the
first of this type to be approved for cosmetic use.

All neurotoxin injectables contain
a purified form of a protein called botulinum toxin type A as their active
ingredient. The chemical temporarily stops wrinkles caused by excessive muscle
activity by preventing signals from the nerves from reaching the muscles.

Injections are administered
in-office via a micro-needle, introduced into specific facial muscles. No
recovery time is required, and any side effects that the patient
experiences—such as bruising or swelling—are typically very mild and temporary.
Effects last between three to four months.


Dysport® is FDA-approved
for moderate to severe glabellar lines. It is less potent than BOTOX®
and diffuses more easily, so it works well on larger areas. The onset is faster,
as it starts working within 24 hours, but it tends to wear off more quickly
than BOTOX®.


In some cases, other
muscle-relaxing injectables grow less effective over time on patients who use
them regularly, because their bodies essentially develop a resistance to them. Xeomin®
is a unique neuromodulator in that it contains only botulinum toxin, without
any additives, so patients are less likely to build up a resistance. Also, fewer
units may be needed to get the same results.

No one injectable is
“better” than another. Instead, certain options may be betters suited for
specific patients. Our team can help to determine which is best for you.

Learn more about BOTOX®,
Dysport®, and Xeomin® from Palm Desert’s Cosmetic Surgery Institute. For further details, give us a call at (760)
837-0364 or submit
a contact form
to request a