Resolutions, Habits, and Plastic Surgery: How a Cosmetic Procedure Can Help You form Positive Patterns
The key to sticking with a resolution is to turn your goal into a habit. That’s the word from a recent story about why most people’s new year’s resolutions fail, anyway. A little over a month into 2025, and you can expect one in 10 people to have already bailed. In just three more months, studies show, most people will have abandoned their well-laid intentions for self-improvement. So what does this have to do with plastic surgery in Palm Desert and Palm Springs? Plenty, actually!
According to an author and speaker from Crucial Learning, the key to keeping a resolution lies in turning it into a habit. The first step is to come up with a cue or trigger that will prime you to think about the habit you are trying to form.
This is where the plastic surgery comes in.
One of the most popular resolutions each year is to get healthy. That typically means exercising more, eating well, or both. After just a few weeks of early morning jogs or all-salad lunches, motivation can begin to take a major nosedive.
Our brains are easily trickable, however, if we create a positive feedback loop that starts us thinking about how we are succeeding. In other words, if we see that we are making progress, we are more likely to stick with our efforts—even if the progress is not directly attributable to the new behavior.
See where this is going?
Plastic surgery like liposuction or a tummy tuck can help patients to get a slimmer and sleeker look. Each time you look in the mirror and see your newly sculpted contours, you can get a little jolt of positivity. That jolt can be your cue to think about how you’re going to continue making improvements on your road to a healthier and healthier you! Soon, you will be eating better and exercising routinely, all without having to force yourself to remember to do it.
Another bit of advice is start small. Don’t commit to running a marathon—or even a half marathon—in the next few months. Set your sights on just jogging for about 15 minutes at a time at first. Or maybe set a goal of actually getting out of bed when your earlier-than-usual alarm clock goes off for the next week, just so you can get in the habit.
Finally, be sure to reward yourself for your progress and achievements. Perhaps a wrinkle-smoothing skin treatment is in order?
Talk to us about the body contours you want to present to the world as you develop habits to keep your resolutions going strong. Contact the Cosmetic Surgery Institute office online or call 760.837.0364.
What Are the Top Benefits of Choosing a Mommy Makeover?
Are you wondering: “How can a Mommy Makeover be beneficial for you?” Our Palm Springs-based team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute believes that this surgery can be highly rewarding for a good number of patients (and not just moms).
Motherhood is a beautiful and fulfilling journey, but it can also take a toll on a woman's body. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can bring about significant changes, leaving many mothers feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Thanks to modern advancements in cosmetic surgery, there is a solution known as the "Mommy Makeover" that can help women restore their pre-pregnancy bodies and regain their confidence. It can also help patients who have multiple areas of their body they would like to address with contouring surgeries.
In this post, we’ll discuss some of the main benefits of a Mommy Makeover.
More Dramatic and Comprehensive Results
Many of the procedures that are combined for a Mommy Makeover complement each other. By having multiple procedures done at the same time, you can achieve a more dramatic and comprehensive outcome.
Enhancing the Breasts
One of the primary concerns for many women after childbirth is changes in the breasts, which may sag or lose volume. A Mommy Makeover can include breast augmentation to enhance the size and shape of the breasts using implants. Alternatively, a breast lift may be performed to raise and reshape sagging breasts, giving them a more youthful appearance. In some cases, both procedures are combined to achieve the desired results.
Improving the Abdominal Area
The abdomen is another area that undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. Stretching of the abdominal muscles and skin can lead to a loose and sagging look, as can separation of the abdominal muscles—a problem commonly known as diastasis recti. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, can be part of a Mommy Makeover to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and fat, resulting in a flatter and more toned midsection.
Renewed Confidence
The benefits of a Mommy Makeover extend beyond physical transformation. Many women report a significant boost in self-confidence and self-esteem following the procedure. This newfound confidence can positively impact various aspects of their lives.
Less Recovery Time
Since you are combining multiple procedures in a single, surgical session, you’ll only need to plan for one recovery period.
How can a Mommy Makeover be beneficial for you? Our Palm Springs-area Cosmetic Surgery Institute team can tell you more about how this procedure works if you’re interested. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.
How Can a Tummy Tuck Make Workouts Easier?
Is it easier to work out after a tummy tuck? Our Palm Springs-area team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute says the answer is complicated—as in: it depends—but the surgery can provide some benefits when it comes to working out.
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. While the primary goal of a tummy tuck is to create a more toned and flat appearance of the abdomen, it can also have additional benefits. Although you won’t be able to get back into exercising right away, once you’ve recovered fully, it will be perfectly fine—and even encouraged—to get back into a workout routine again. Some patients can improve their results even more with a healthy diet and exercise routine.
With that in mind, let’s explore how a tummy tuck can make exercise easier.
Removal of Excess Skin
After significant weight loss, aging, or pregnancy, the skin around the abdominal area may become stretched out and loose. This excess skin can make it difficult to see the muscles underneath and can make workouts uncomfortable. A tummy tuck removes this excess skin, making it easier to see the muscles in the abdominal area and improve posture and form during workouts.
Tightening of Muscles
A tummy tuck can involve the surgeon tightening separated abdominal muscles. This can help improve core strength, making it easier to perform exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and crunches. A strong core is essential for proper form during workouts and can help prevent injuries.
Increased Confidence
One of the most significant benefits of a tummy tuck is the increased confidence it can provide. After the surgery, patients often feel more comfortable in their own skin, which can help motivate them to exercise more frequently and effectively. Improved self-confidence can also lead to a more positive mindset, which can help make workouts easier and more enjoyable.
Better Fitting Clothes
After a tummy tuck, patients often find that their clothes fit better, which can make workouts more comfortable. Tight-fitting clothing can restrict movement and cause discomfort during exercise, while loose-fitting clothing can get in the way and hinder movement. With a flatter and more toned abdomen, patients can wear more comfortable clothing that allows for easier movement during workouts.
Learn more about tummy tuck surgery from our Palm Springs-area Cosmetic Surgery Institute team. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.
When Would Be the Best Time to Get a Mommy Makeover?
If you’ve recently had a baby and are wondering “How long should I wait to have a Mommy Makeover?” our Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team can talk to you more about your goals and help you decide when the right time may be for you.
Although bringing a new life into the world can be a rewarding experience, you may not be so happy about the related changes to your body, such as flatter breasts, weakened core muscles, looser skin, and resistant pockets of fat in certain areas. Even exercise and a healthy diet may not be enough to address these issues, which can add to the desire to work on them as soon as possible.
While a Mommy Makeover can boost self-esteem and confidence by enhancing the appearance of the breasts, abdomen, and any other areas you may want to improve, and the customizable procedure includes treatments designed to target post-pregnancy concerns, there are timing issues to consider.
If you’re wondering how to determine whether the timing is right for you, here’s what you should know:
It goes without saying that childbirth is a highly taxing event for your body since your body undergoes numerous physical changes and your energy is depleted as the baby grows. Considering all of this, the body needs time to heal after you have a child, so you should wait until your body is fully healed and you are close to an ideal, stable weight before having a Mommy Makeover.
Know that you will get better results if you are closer to your goal weight, so it is better to try to lose some weight naturally before having the surgery—if you gained weight throughout your pregnancy. It’s commonly recommended that you wait for at least six months to one year after you have your child, though every person is unique.
Since an additional pregnancy could undo the results from a Mommy Makeover, it’s also advisable that you wait until you’ve decided not to have any more children. A new baby will do everything the prior baby did, including stretching out abdominal skin, causing the breasts to get larger to support milk production, and more.
Finally, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to have a Mommy Makeover when your children are still young. You don’t even have to have children at all! Any patient who wants to address multiple breast and body issues at once can talk to Dr. Mo Zakhireh about their options.
Contact the Cosmetic Surgery Institute by calling (760) 837-0364 or reaching out via a contact form online to discuss surgical options to restore your body to a pre-baby appearance.
What Makes You a Good Tummy Tuck Candidate?
Getting a flat stomach with sculpted abs can be very difficult to achieve—even if you’re slim, healthy, and exercise regularly. Resistant fat tends to cling to the belly area for many people, and especially those who naturally have a more apple-shaped body because of genetics. Pregnancy can cause excess saggy skin and separated muscles that result in a belly bulge. For men, the stomach is the default storage area for any excess fat on the body. Although many people want a flatter, firmer abdominal area, a tummy tuck may not be the right choice for every individual. Patients often ask us, “What does your weight have to be to get a tummy tuck?” Our Palm Desert-based team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute can answer the questions you might have about what is technically known as abdominoplasty during your consultation, but in the meantime, here are some basic traits that tend to make an individual a suitable candidate for this surgery.
- You are physically healthy and at a stable weight for at least six to 12 months prior to having this procedure
- You maintain realistic expectations
- You are a non-smoker
- You are unhappy about the appearance of your abdominal area
- You have sufficient loose skin on the stomach that can be tightened without causing a “stretched” appearance
- You don’t intend to get pregnant in the future
- You are committed to maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle to preserve results from a tummy tuck
- You are bothered about having loose skin, excess fat, or other types of cosmetic imperfections on the belly area
Patients should keep in mind that while this surgery is an excellent strategy for reshaping the body, a tummy tuck isn’t a substitute for weight loss. Patients should be within 10 to 15 pounds of their ideal weight to have this procedure. Gaining or losing a significant amount of weight after a tummy tuck could have a negative effect on results and may even require revision surgery.
Our Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team can provide a more comprehensive answer to this and other questions during your consultation. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a visit.
Tummy Tuck: 5 Best Tips to Ensure a Speedy Recovery
Aging, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy can not only cause the skin on the abdominal area to lose its elasticity, but can also result in weakened sit-up muscles. Some people are self-conscious about having excess, loose skin and a lower-belly pooch from separated muscles, while other people may naturally always carry some extra fat on the stomach that they can’t get rid of, even when they lose overall body weight. Luckily, tummy tuck surgery is available to correct all of these issues and sculpt a smoother, flatter abdomen with stronger muscles. Patients who are planning to have an abdominoplasty from our Los Angeles-area Cosmetic Surgery Institute in Palm Desert might be interested in learning about how they can heal at a faster rate, have an easier time during recovery, and get back to work or their other activities sooner.
As technology has continued to advance, recovering from plastic surgery is now easier than it ever was before. Here are five ways to ensure that your recovery is as fast and complication-free as possible:
1. Before having a tummy tuck, think about whether you will be able to take enough time off to properly heal after the procedure. Talk to the surgeon so that you understand the timeframe for your recovery. You need to plan ahead and take time off from your activities to fully heal.
2. It’s critical to adhere to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, even if some of them don’t seem like they would apply to you.
3. After a tummy tuck, you will likely feel tired and weak, as well as have difficulty with standing for long periods of time, moving objects, bending, or generally moving around. Have a support system in place with friends or loved ones to help you out with chores, caring for young children or pets, and performing small tasks.
4. Take your pain medication as prescribed at the onset of discomfort.
5. Your surgeon will give you advice on wound care, along with any potential signs of infection to be aware of. Care for your incision properly to make sure that it’s always clean and avoid infections.
Want to learn more about cosmetic surgery? Get more details on what to expect from an abdominoplasty by contacting our team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Call (760) 837-0364, or submit a contact form to request a consultation and talk to us about your goals.
What Are the Benefits of Combining Your Tummy Tuck with Liposuction?
Although the abdominal area is a common place for people to
store excess weight when they put on a few pounds, belly fat isn’t always
linked to being overweight. You can be very slim but still have some resistant
flab around this area—flab that refuses to budge despite dieting and exercise. Some
people simply have a body type that makes them prone to being heavier in this
area. Others experience fullness in this area because their muscles and skin
have been stretched due to aging, weight loss, or pregnancy. If you’re planning
on a tummy
tuck in Palm Desert to tighten and flatten your abdominal area,
adding liposuction to the treatment can give you enhanced results.
Although both tummy tuck surgery and liposuction are highly
effective on their own as standalone procedures for reshaping the abdominal
area, the Cosmetic Surgery Institute team believes that having them done at the
same time can produce optimal results for certain patients. While the terms are
sometimes used interchangeably by patients who don’t know the difference, tummy
tucks and liposuction accomplish very different things. In this post, we
explore some of the advantages of combining the two.
1. Removing
Fat While Tightening Skin and Muscle
Liposuction allows you to have some of your subcutaneous fat
suctioned away from specific areas. A tummy tuck can also involve some fat removal,
but the procedure focuses on removing excess skin, tightening the remaining
skin, and repairing muscles to improve your mid-body contours. By having these
procedures done together, you’ll be able to remove a larger amount of diet-resistant
fat while addressing skin and muscle laxity at the same time.
2. Addressing
Transition Areas
As opposed to a tummy tuck, which is solely focused on the
abdomen, liposuction can be used to reduce fat in other areas surrounding or
near the stomach, including the hips, thighs, flanks, and back. This improves
your overall contours and emphasizes the results of the tuck.
3. Less
Recovery Time and Discomfort
By having both surgeries done at the same time, you’ll only
have to schedule a single appointment for the procedures. That also means you
will go through just one recovery period instead of two. Studies have shown
that this strategy has a low complication rate, which is very appealing for
For more information on what’s involved in liposuction and a
tummy tuck from Palm Desert’s Cosmetic Surgery Institute, as well as other body contouring
procedures, get in touch with our team today. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or send us your info via contact form
to request an appointment.
How Can a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Work Together?
If your
midsection is a “problem zone” for you, you probably already know how difficult
it is to maintain a lean look. You may do everything right—including eating
well and exercising—but a flat abdomen seems to stay out of your reach. The Cosmetic
Surgery Institute team explains that while lifestyle-based efforts can give you
a healthier body overall, and are ideal for reducing fat, diets can’t be used
to target specific areas. Sit-ups can build muscle, but the results may remain
hidden under a thick layer—or the muscles may be separated from being stretched
To address a
range of cosmetic belly problems, there’s no substitute for an abdominoplasty, available at our Palm Springs-area practice. For the procedure better
known as a tummy tuck, we make strategic incisions that allow us to tighten
muscles, fascia, and skin, as well as to excise any redundant skin. A traditional,
full tummy tuck is limited to the area that extends below the chest to the
But what about
stubborn, resistant rolls that often surround the belly area? For additional
fine-tuning, there’s always liposuction. Our approach involves using surgical
fat removal to optimize results, in addition to standard surgical techniques.
Performing two
procedures (a tummy tuck and liposuction) at the same time proves to be more
efficient, effective, and less expensive than performing them separately—not to
mention patients won’t have to go through two surgeries and recovery periods. Also
with this approach, the risk of complications associated with standalone tummy
tucks, such as seromas, is reduced, and combining procedures has been shown to
improve patient satisfaction. This combination is sometimes referred to as
“lipoabdominoplasty” or “liposuction-assisted abdominoplasty.”
Liposuction is a
commonly performed body contouring procedure that allows patients to remove
resistant, subcutaneous fat deposits from most areas of the body, using a
hollow cannula to break up and extract fat cells. In addition to the belly it
also allows for shaping features that border the belly area, like the hips,
flanks, waist, and back, for more definitive contouring. Slimming down these
other areas also accentuates a flatter abdomen. This improves your overall body
contours for a more streamlined and balanced appearance.
Patients from
Palm Springs and surrounding areas can plan an abdominoplasty with liposuction
at Cosmetic
Surgery Institute. Call (760)
837-0364 or send a message online to get more information or arrange a