What Makes You a Good Tummy Tuck Candidate?
Getting a flat stomach with sculpted abs can be very difficult to achieve—even if you’re slim, healthy, and exercise regularly. Resistant fat tends to cling to the belly area for many people, and especially those who naturally have a more apple-shaped body because of genetics. Pregnancy can cause excess saggy skin and separated muscles that result in a belly bulge. For men, the stomach is the default storage area for any excess fat on the body. Although many people want a flatter, firmer abdominal area, a tummy tuck may not be the right choice for every individual. Patients often ask us, “What does your weight have to be to get a tummy tuck?” Our Palm Desert-based team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute can answer the questions you might have about what is technically known as abdominoplasty during your consultation, but in the meantime, here are some basic traits that tend to make an individual a suitable candidate for this surgery.
- You are physically healthy and at a stable weight for at least six to 12 months prior to having this procedure
- You maintain realistic expectations
- You are a non-smoker
- You are unhappy about the appearance of your abdominal area
- You have sufficient loose skin on the stomach that can be tightened without causing a “stretched” appearance
- You don’t intend to get pregnant in the future
- You are committed to maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle to preserve results from a tummy tuck
- You are bothered about having loose skin, excess fat, or other types of cosmetic imperfections on the belly area
Patients should keep in mind that while this surgery is an excellent strategy for reshaping the body, a tummy tuck isn’t a substitute for weight loss. Patients should be within 10 to 15 pounds of their ideal weight to have this procedure. Gaining or losing a significant amount of weight after a tummy tuck could have a negative effect on results and may even require revision surgery.
Our Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team can provide a more comprehensive answer to this and other questions during your consultation. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a visit.
Will Fat Come Back After Liposuction?
Even people who are in great shape can still have areas of excess fat that they wish they could reduce. Unfortunately, exercise and a healthy diet may not be enough to reduce stubborn fat that clings to isolated areas due to genetics, age, or hormonal factors. Liposuction, which involves the selective surgical removal of subcutaneous fat from stubborn areas, is ideal for re-shaping the body and producing major aesthetic improvements to boost confidence. With that in mind, many patients who are having surgical body contouring procedures want to know: Does fat removed from liposuction come back? Our Palm Desert-based team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute knows that patients enjoy the transformative results they can achieve with this treatment—but also that they are frequently concerned about the potential lifespan of those results.
While liposuction is a highly popular cosmetic procedure, it is also one of the most misunderstood treatments. If you’re worried about fat returning, here’s what you should know:
The fat that is surgically removed during a liposuction procedure is indeed gone for good. Since the fat is literally taken out of the body and those fat cells can’t regenerate, there’s no need for patients to worry about the same fat coming back in the areas that were treated. This means that many patients will be able to enjoy the dramatic outcome from the procedure essentially forever.
However, it is important to remember that if a patient gains weight after liposuction, it’s likely that the results will look less impressive as remaining fat cells—in the surgery area as well as other areas—can become enlarged. If a very significant amount of weight is gained, new fat cells can be created even in treated areas.
Therefore, it’s important to maintain your post-liposuction weight to maximize results. Continue to eat well, exercise regularly, and be aware of your overall health.
Regardless of whether or not you gain weight, patients should know that there will still be comparatively fewer fat cells in treated areas than in untreated ones. Fat-reduction surgery alters a person’s distribution of fat, so volume or “bulk” may be stored in other body areas. This means that a new body shape will remain mostly the same and look better than it did if the patient hadn’t had liposuction.
Our Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team can provide a more comprehensive answer to patient questions during a personalized consultation. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss liposuction.
Can a Facelift Reduce Wrinkles?
It’s natural for your skin to lose some of its elasticity as you get older. Not to mention, wrinkles and depressions begin to form when levels of collagen—one of the building blocks of healthy skin—begin to decrease over time. One of the major facelift benefits for Palm Desert patients is that this surgical procedure can tighten skin significantly in a way that wouldn’t be possible with non-invasive cosmetic treatments on their own.
Although the facelift is most well-known for its ability to lift sagging cheeks and jawline skin to rejuvenate the face, patients are often curious about whether this form of cosmetic surgery will also reduce other effects of facial aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.
The word “rhytidectomy”—which is the medical term for facelift—comes from the words “rhytid” meaning wrinkle and “ectomy” meaning excision or surgical removal of something. The truth is that while facelifts are excellent for correcting loose skin to improve facial contours, they aren’t designed for smoothing superficial wrinkles; other forms of sun damage; creases around the nose and upper lip; and wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth. They also will not address uneven skin or areas of irregular pigmentation, such as hyperpigmentation and age spots.
In other worlds, facelifts are great for making deep folds and creases less noticeable, but they won’t change the texture, look, or tone of the skin itself. In fact, experienced plastic surgeons avoid pulling the skin too tight during a facelift because this strategy can give the patient an overly “windswept” or artificial look.
Facial cosmetic surgery is meant for correcting “sags and bags,” jowls, or weakened muscles. If you hope to improve the overall quality of your skin, BOTOX® and fillers are the better options for reducing most facial wrinkles, and laser treatments, microneedling, and chemical peels are rejuvenation techniques that can enhance your skin’s quality and appearance. These treatments can be done before or after a facelift to optimize results.
For more details about improving the look of the face, contact Cosmetic Surgery Institute by calling (760) 837-0364, or send a message via a contact form to request a consultation and find out whether you’re a suitable candidate for various procedures or treatments.
How Have Trends in Breast Implants Changed Over Time?
Each year, millions of breast augmentations are performed around the world. In fact, some studies suggest that the surgery is more popular in the United States than in any other country—and it has remained within the top five most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries in the country every year for the past several years, according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Experts expect that augmentation will continue to be one of the most sought-after procedures throughout 2022. Breast augmentation can boost a patient’s confidence by sculpting higher, fuller, shapelier, and more youthful-looking breasts. There are many aspects to consider when you’re planning this procedure, such as which size, shape, and projection type would be the best fit for you. Even though the surgery is still in high demand, patients now tend to want different results compared to what was popular in the mid-2000s and prior. If you’re planning on having breast implants from our Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute, here’s what you should know about how trends in breast augmentation have changed in the last several decades.
Surgeons have reported that higher numbers of patients are preferring smaller cup sizes instead of more dramatic increases in size. This is partially due to many patients desiring a slimmer, more athletic-looking body shape.
One of the most common misconceptions about implants is that they all inherently will look fake. Implants during the 2000s tended to be very obvious due to their large, wide, gravity-defying appearance. Back then, they tended to be viewed as a status symbol and a way to stand out. Think about how popular the “Baywatch look” was at the time.
Very large and artificial-looking implants are now not as popular, and patients are seeking out smaller, more natural-looking curves. In fact, patients who had larger implants before sometimes now choose to swap them for smaller devices to reduce the strain on their back and allow them to move around or exercise more easily.
Whether you want a more understated look or a total transformation, it’s important to talk to your surgeon about your goals.
For more information on breast implants, contact our Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team. Call us today at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon if you would like to find out more about how this procedure works.
What Would Make You a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?
If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you’re not alone. In fact, rhinoplasty (nose job) surgery was the most performed form of cosmetic surgery in the United States in 2020, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics. Patients who visit Cosmetic Surgery Institute for rhinoplasty have often spent years avoiding side profile photos or caking on makeup to conceal their nose shape because of their insecurities. Many of them decide that having a nose job from a Los Angeles-area plastic surgeon would be the best way to improve their appearance.
Not sure whether you should have your nose surgically altered? There are several factors that a plastic surgeon and patient might consider when deciding whether someone is an ideal candidate for this procedure.
To be eligible for cosmetic nose surgery, the candidate must be at least over the age of 15 and emotionally mature enough to understand everything that’s involved in the surgery. Also, their facial growth should be complete. Being in good overall health with no serious medical conditions or illnesses is a must, and ideally you should also be a non-smoker or have shown that you can stop smoking for a significant length of time. Plastic surgeons prefer to work with patients who maintain realistic expectations and a positive outlook about enhancing their appearance.
Patients might seek a nose job to correct various cosmetic concerns such as a birth defect, a dorsal hump (which is a bump on the nose bridge that slopes down to the tip of the nose and can look prominent when seen from the side of the face), a nose that is too wide or too narrow for the face, an asymmetrical nose that is twisted or deviated, a pronounced nasal tip that is out of proportion with the rest of the face, a drooping nasal tip, post-traumatic deformities, and nasal airway problems. Nose jobs can also have functional benefits, such as repairing nasal fractures, restoring breathing function, and opening blocked nasal passages.
Learn about what to expect before and after a nose job by contacting the team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Have questions? Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.
What Makes a Good Facelift Candidate?
The quality of your skin changes a lot during your lifetime, often starting off firm and volumized during your 20s but becoming thinner and more prone to wrinkles as you reach your 40s and 50s. Skin eventually loses its elasticity while becoming thinner, paler, and more translucent. Additionally, pigmentation may begin to appear on areas that are frequently exposed to sunlight. Luckily, cosmetic procedures make it possible to turn back the clock and reverse—or at least temporarily improve—some of these changes. Even though there are so many non-surgical options available to reduce wrinkles and enhance the skin’s appearance, such as fillers and wrinkle relaxers, when it comes to more severe skin sagging and volume loss on the mid-face, there’s no replacement for a facelift. Our Palm Springs-area Cosmetic Surgery Institute team often sees patients who are unsure about which anti-aging treatment would be more suitable for them. During your consultation, we will help you make this decision. Here are some factors that would make someone an ideal candidate for facelift surgery.
Maintaining Realistic Expectations
For a facelift or any other type of plastic surgery, it’s crucial for the patient to maintain realistic expectations as to what can be accomplished with the surgery, as well as a positive outlook. Patients should understand that the surgery can improve their appearance, but may not necessarily perfect it.
Healthy Individuals
A facelift is invasive surgery that can be stressful on the body. Are you in good health without underlying, major medical conditions that could impair healing? If so, you might be considered a good candidate. Patients are encouraged to maintain a stable weight, quit smoking, and maintain a healthy diet.
A Well-Defined Bone Structure
Patients who naturally have a strong, distinctive bone structure will often get results that they are quite happy with.
Supple Skin
Even though facelifts are performed to improve loose skin, the patient’s skin still needs to be fairly elastic and strong so that it can tighten around the new facial contours that are sculpted. Therefore, ideal facelift patients should have skin that retains some elasticity and flexibility.
Need more advice about minimally invasive injectable treatments or other procedures such as facelift surgery? Contact Cosmetic Surgery Institute for more information. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation to find out which procedures are best suited for your concerns and goals.
What Can Be Done to Prolong the Lifespan of Breast Implants?
Breast implants from our Los Angeles-area practice are an ideal choice for patients who want to enhance the appearance of breasts that they feel are too small or to restore the shape and size of their breasts after pregnancy and other body changes. Implants offer numerous advantages, including allowing patients to feel less restricted in terms of what styles of clothing they are comfortable wearing. Perhaps the main benefit of having this procedure, however, is the significant boost to confidence and self-esteem that patients feel once they see themselves in the mirror.
Another great thing about getting breast augmentation is that it isn’t merely a short-term fix. While each patient’s experience is different, modern implants are made of sturdy materials and can last for decades after the initial surgery. Although implants aren’t guaranteed to last forever, and the risk of rupture increases each year, the way the patient takes care of the implants will have an impact on the longevity of their results. See below for some techniques patients can use to increase the lifespan of their implants.
Follow Instructions During Recovery
Proper care for implants starts during breast augmentation recovery. You need to provide adequate support for the implants by wearing a supportive garment or surgical bra as the surgeon advises. Patients will need to initially avoid exercise, especially anything that involves heavy lifting or causes the chest muscles to tighten.
Care for Your Skin
Sun damage on the chest area can weaken the skin there, causing the breasts to start to sag, so try to avoid tanning or allowing your skin to burn. Cover up in clothing to protect the skin, and wear sunscreen any time you head outside.
Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Avoid smoking, excessive drinking, and major weight fluctuations—all of which can contribute to weakening the skin and making it more likely to stretch.
Go to Check-Ups
Don’t skip annual check-ups with your surgeon, and remember to perform self-checks frequently to ensure that your implants are in good shape. Inspect your breasts for any lumps or changes, and don’t hesitate to call your doctor if you have any concerns or questions.
Want to learn more about long-term care for breast implants? Contact us at Cosmetic Surgery Institute for more details. Call (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation and find out more about what to expect from the augmentation procedure.
What Are the Best Types of Facelifts for Addressing Specific Concerns?
We all eventually age, and the effects of time passing can be seen in the condition of our skin, as well as our facial contours. When we’re younger, it’s normal to have a more heart-shaped face with a slimmer, more defined jawline and fuller, higher cheeks. Once the surface of the skin begins to pull away from underlying tissues, becoming saggy due to gravity and a loss of collagen and healthy fat, it might form pronounced folds on the lower face, loose areas on the neck, and “jowls.” Many people feel self-conscious about the way this drooping skin changes their appearance. Fillers and other injectables can help to some degree, but the option that provides the most dramatic and long-lasting results involves removing the excess skin and restoring a more sculpted face via facelift surgery. For Los Angeles, Palm Desert, and other area patients, there are several different options to choose from, including the standard facelift, mid-face lift, and mini facelift.
The most suitable technique for you depends on your unique aesthetic concerns, facial anatomy, skin condition, and more. While your plastic surgeon will make a recommendation for how best to approach your specific surgery, here is some basic information you should know about the differences and similarities between each of these options, as well as the signs of aging each approach can target:
Mild Jowling and Sagging Skin
If you’ve started to notice the earliest signs of sagging around your jawline and neck area, you might be an ideal candidate for a mini facelift. One of the benefits of having this particular procedure done is that you may not need to have more drastic surgery in future years. The mini facelift is not as “involved” as more significant procedures and requires smaller incisions.
Sunken Eyes and Hanging Skin Around the Cheeks
The mid-face lift, also known as a cheek lift, is designed for improving the area that extends from the eyes to the mouth, without altering the jawline or forehead. It can improve the appearance of pronounced nasolabial folds, sunken eyes, and deflated or pinched cheeks.
Moderate to Advanced Signs of Aging
A full facelift is a more extensive procedure used to target especially pronounced signs of aging on the lower two-thirds of the face, including everything below the ears. This surgery can involve removing and repositioning skin and other tissue via incisions that are larger, but still well camouflages in natural lines and creases on the face.
Find out more about the types of facelift surgery Cosmetic Surgery Institute offers. Our team can answer any questions and help you decide which type of surgery would be best for achieving your goals. Call us at (760) 837-0364, or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.
Can Liposuction Help to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat Pockets When I’m Close to my Goal Weight?
No one has the
“perfect” body, and beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. However, there’s also
no harm in having a cosmetic treatment like liposuction. From
Los Angeles to
Palm Desert, everyone wants to feel more confident and comfortable in their own
skin. Although there’s a common misconception that surgical fat reduction is
meant for fatter people, this strategy isn’t designed as some kind of magic
bullet for weight loss, nor as an easy way for patients who are very overweight
or obese to lose a significant amount of overall body weight. In fact,
liposuction is ideal for those people who have already hit a healthy weight for
their height—and have managed to stably maintain their weight at or close to
their goal. Continue reading to learn how liposuction can fine-tune your body
shape in this situation.
Liposuction works the
same for thin, athletic patients like runners and weightlifters as it does for
patients who are slightly heavier. So if you’re average weight-wise but just
have a few flabby areas of excess fat that you’ve been unable to tone up—like
belly fat, double chin, or thigh fat—you may be an ideal candidate for the
This procedure alters
your body’s proportions and silhouette by removing some of the soft, grabbable
fat from below the skin so that the surface contracts around your newly slimmer
contours. Are you one of those people who always has thicker thighs even after
losing weight from elsewhere, or a rounded stomach even when you are at your
slimmest? When you’re restricting your calorie intake and working out
frequently, your body might get sculpted in some areas, but you also might not
be able to attain the figure you want because of genetics, hormones, or
age-related weight gain.
Liposuction is the ideal
technique for getting rid of this fat, even if you only have a modest amount of
it that needs to be taken out. If you have a thinner frame and are thinking of
having liposuction, it’s better to go to an experienced surgeon who knows the
right techniques to lower the risk of contour irregularities.
Cosmetic Surgery
Institute also offers Renuvion
laser for skin tightening in combination with liposuction.
Ready to plan your
liposuction with the physicians at Cosmetic Surgery Institute? For
more information on surgical procedures, call us at (760) 837-0364 or send us your
info via contact form to request an appointment.