Breast AugmentationCosmetic Surgery
January 3, 2022
What Can Be Done to Prolong the Lifespan of Breast Implants?
Breast implants from our Los Angeles-area practice are an ideal choice for patients who want to enhance the appearance of breasts that they feel are too small or to restore the shape and size of…
December 27, 2021
What Are the Best Ways to Improve Liposuction Results?
Even if you’re in mostly good shape, there may always be one or two areas that you wish you could slim down, whether the stubborn fat forms love handles, a belly bulge, thick thighs, a double chin,…
December 20, 2021
BOTOX® Aftercare: Tips for Looking After Your Skin
Even if you have a great skincare routine, it’s difficult to completely prevent the effects of aging and skin damage from giving you a worn-down look over time. And it’s not just normal aging and…
December 13, 2021
Tummy Tuck: 5 Best Tips to Ensure a Speedy Recovery
Aging, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy can not only cause the skin on the abdominal area to lose its elasticity, but can also result in weakened sit-up muscles. Some people are self-conscious…
December 6, 2021
4 Tips for Relaxing While You Recover from Liposuction
Even if you feel confident about having plastic surgery and can’t wait to show off the results, having any kind of procedure can still zap your energy. Once the procedure is over, it can take…
November 29, 2021
What Are the Best Types of Facelifts for Addressing Specific Concerns?
We all eventually age, and the effects of time passing can be seen in the condition of our skin, as well as our facial contours. When we’re younger, it’s normal to have a more heart-shaped face with…