What’s the Perfect Age to Try Facial Fillers?

Having ample collagen is one of the main reasons young people enjoy healthy, full-looking skin—but since our bodies gradually produce less of the stuff as we age, many people seek out ways to restore volume to the skin through cosmetic products and treatments. Fine lines and wrinkles that remain on the face even when it’s at rest—such as marionette lines and parenthesis lines—are clear signs that the skin has lost a lot of its natural proteins and moisture. Injectable fillers from our Palm Desert-based team are minimally invasive treatments that provide a more youthful, balanced, and attractive appearance right away by adding volume to areas of the face where collagen and fat are lacking.

Given that everyone ages, and considering how effective fillers are at addressing those signs of aging, one question we hear frequently at Cosmetic Surgery Institute is, “What’s the best age to start having dermal fillers?”

That’s not an easy question to answer. Actually, it is easy to answer, but the answer itself is not a specific one. In short? It all depends on your skin type, the signs of aging you want to address, and your goals. In other words, it’s up to you to decide when you want to have fillers.

Anyone over the age of 21 can have fillers. Some people choose to get them as soon as they can, while others prefer to focus on preventative skincare and wait until their 40s or older before having injectables. Why then? The 40s are when most people begin to see more pronounced wrinkles along with a loss of elasticity in the skin.

Some patients in their 20s do notice pronounced wrinkles or acne scars and want to use fillers to minimize them, but a large number of people only have dynamic wrinkles at this age (these are lines that appear while making facial expressions, but they are not visible—or as visible—when the face is at rest). With that in mind, patients who are younger and don’t have much volume loss should be wary about having too much filler injected, as adding too much volume where it isn’t needed can create an “obviously filled” look. Our team can help you to determine whether filler injections would be good for you, as well as educate you on what to expect from the treatment in terms of results. 

Fillers are a great option for facial contouring and reducing static wrinkles in the right patient. If you are wondering whether dermal fillers are the best option for you, contact our team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute to learn all about the treatments. Call us at (760) 837-0364, or submit a contact form to request a consultation

Get the Curves Without Looking Like a Cartoon

Once upon a time, breast implants were highly
obvious and very easy to spot. The 2000s may have been the era for huge,
fake-looking, and highly noticeable boobs, but trends have changed a lot in the
previous two decades. Patients have gradually shifted toward preferring a more
“real” aesthetic. In the last few years, celebrities and non-famous patients
alike have been selecting smaller implants that are designed more for altering
the shape of their breasts in a less conspicuous but nevertheless attractive and
feminine way. The idea is to have your breasts enhanced in a way that fits you
as an individual rather than taking a “cookie cutter” approach to cleavage. If
you’re going in for breast
augmentation at a Los Angeles
practice—or anywhere, really—and want more subtle, believable results, follow
these tips below:

1. Choose
the Right Material

During your consultation for breast implants,
your surgeon will be discussing lots of variables involved in the surgery with
you, including everything from sizes and fillings to implant placement. Generally,
silicone implants, including the more cohesive silicone “gummy bear” implants,
tend to have a squishier texture that’s more similar to actual breast tissue.

2. Consider
Fat Grafting

Autologous fat grafting or fat transfers involve
using some of a patient’s own body fat—taken from an area of excess on some
other part of the body—to enhance the breasts. Fat augmentation can be a way of
increasing the breast size by up to one cup if you don’t want implants. Alternatively,
it can be used to hide potential rippling or other minor irregularities and to enhance
the cleavage when used in combination with implants.

3. Think
About Sizing

Patients often complain that they wish they had
gone a bit larger or smaller after they have had breast augmentation. Don’t
assume that bigger is necessarily better. Sometimes, the width of certain
implants is too wide for your frame or projects too much, making it clear that
you’ve had work done. Your implants should be as small as possible with a low
to moderate projection if you’re aiming for a realistic appearance. Talk with
your surgeon about ways to see what various sized implants would look like on
your frame.

Are you thinking of having a breast augmentation? The Cosmetic Surgery Institute team will help you plan your procedure. Call
us at (760) 837-0364 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

Can Liposuction Help to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat Pockets When I’m Close to my Goal Weight?

No one has the
“perfect” body, and beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. However, there’s also
no harm in having a cosmetic treatment like liposuction. From
Los Angeles
Palm Desert, everyone wants to feel more confident and comfortable in their own
skin. Although there’s a common misconception that surgical fat reduction is
meant for fatter people, this strategy isn’t designed as some kind of magic
bullet for weight loss, nor as an easy way for patients who are very overweight
or obese to lose a significant amount of overall body weight. In fact,
liposuction is ideal for those people who have already hit a healthy weight for
their height—and have managed to stably maintain their weight at or close to
their goal. Continue reading to learn how liposuction can fine-tune your body
shape in this situation.

Liposuction works the
same for thin, athletic patients like runners and weightlifters as it does for
patients who are slightly heavier. So if you’re average weight-wise but just
have a few flabby areas of excess fat that you’ve been unable to tone up—like
belly fat, double chin, or thigh fat—you may be an ideal candidate for the

This procedure alters
your body’s proportions and silhouette by removing some of the soft, grabbable
fat from below the skin so that the surface contracts around your newly slimmer
contours. Are you one of those people who always has thicker thighs even after
losing weight from elsewhere, or a rounded stomach even when you are at your
slimmest? When you’re restricting your calorie intake and working out
frequently, your body might get sculpted in some areas, but you also might not
be able to attain the figure you want because of genetics, hormones, or
age-related weight gain.

Liposuction is the ideal
technique for getting rid of this fat, even if you only have a modest amount of
it that needs to be taken out. If you have a thinner frame and are thinking of
having liposuction, it’s better to go to an experienced surgeon who knows the
right techniques to lower the risk of contour irregularities.

Cosmetic Surgery
Institute also offers Renuvion
laser for skin tightening in combination with liposuction.

Ready to plan your
liposuction with the physicians at Cosmetic Surgery Institute? For
more information on surgical procedures, call us at (760) 837-0364 or send us your
via contact form to request an appointment.

Facelifts vs. Injectable Fillers: Which One Will Be Best Suited for You?

The recent development of so many minimally
invasive, non-surgical options for facial rejuvenation may have led some people
to assume that there’s no need to for facelifts anymore. Injectables have
become easily accessible and seem to be a more convenient option, while
offering similar anti-aging results to surgery. However, fillers and similar non-surgical
treatments can only do so much, and if you have more advanced signs of aging, it
may make more sense to consider a full facelift
at our Rancho Mirage
-area Cosmetic Surgery

Which option is right for you? Here’s how the
two facial rejuvenation strategies compare:


If you have some noticeable wrinkles and sagging
caused by loss of collagen—due to aging, smoking, sun damage, or genetics—fillers
are a quick way of adding volume back into the skin to make it smooth and
lifted. Injectable fillers are ideal for the person who simply wants to make
some noticeable improvements, but in a subtle and effortless-looking way, so
others won’t be able to know that any tweaks have been made. Fillers work well
for wrinkles around the middle and lower part of the face, but won’t significantly
tighten excess loose skin.

Note that fillers are only a temporary solution,
with results that will last for several months at minimum to a few years at
most. Injectables are usually best for younger patients with mild to moderate signs
of aging who aren’t ready to commit to surgery. There’s not much downtime or
discomfort involved, and side effects are usually minor, so you’ll be able to
go back to your usual activities right away.


A facelift, known by the medical term “rhytidectomy,”
is a procedure inintended to create a more youthful facial appearance by improving
aging facial contours. The surgery physically tightens sagging skin and repositions
facial tissues. Unlike fillers, the results from a facelift are very long
lasting. While you can’t prevent time and gravity from continuing to impact
your skin, the outcome typically endures for many, many years. Most people who
choose to have a facelift are looking to address more severe aesthetic concerns,
such as jowls, sagging skin around the lower jaw, turkey neck, deep skin folds,
and hollowed cheeks.

When it comes to achieving significant
anti-aging effects, especially on an older face, there’s no replacement for facial

Start planning your facelift procedure or dermal
filler session with our team at Cosmetic Surgery Institute
by calling (760) 837-0364 or filling out a contact
to discuss what’s involved.

What Are the Benefits of Combining Your Tummy Tuck with Liposuction?

Although the abdominal area is a common place for people to
store excess weight when they put on a few pounds, belly fat isn’t always
linked to being overweight. You can be very slim but still have some resistant
flab around this area—flab that refuses to budge despite dieting and exercise. Some
people simply have a body type that makes them prone to being heavier in this
area. Others experience fullness in this area because their muscles and skin
have been stretched due to aging, weight loss, or pregnancy. If you’re planning
on a tummy
tuck in Palm Desert
to tighten and flatten your abdominal area,
adding liposuction to the treatment can give you enhanced results.

Although both tummy tuck surgery and liposuction are highly
effective on their own as standalone procedures for reshaping the abdominal
area, the Cosmetic Surgery Institute team believes that having them done at the
same time can produce optimal results for certain patients. While the terms are
sometimes used interchangeably by patients who don’t know the difference, tummy
tucks and liposuction accomplish very different things. In this post, we
explore some of the advantages of combining the two.

1. Removing
Fat While Tightening Skin and Muscle

Liposuction allows you to have some of your subcutaneous fat
suctioned away from specific areas. A tummy tuck can also involve some fat removal,
but the procedure focuses on removing excess skin, tightening the remaining
skin, and repairing muscles to improve your mid-body contours. By having these
procedures done together, you’ll be able to remove a larger amount of diet-resistant
fat while addressing skin and muscle laxity at the same time.

2. Addressing
Transition Areas

As opposed to a tummy tuck, which is solely focused on the
abdomen, liposuction can be used to reduce fat in other areas surrounding or
near the stomach, including the hips, thighs, flanks, and back. This improves
your overall contours and emphasizes the results of the tuck.

3. Less
Recovery Time and Discomfort

By having both surgeries done at the same time, you’ll only
have to schedule a single appointment for the procedures. That also means you
will go through just one recovery period instead of two. Studies have shown
that this strategy has a low complication rate, which is very appealing for

For more information on what’s involved in liposuction and a
tummy tuck from Palm Desert’s Cosmetic Surgery Institute, as well as other body contouring
procedures, get in touch with our team today. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or send us your info via contact form
to request an appointment.

Weight Loss Basics: Which Areas Do We Lose Body Fat from First?

Although it’s not a weight loss tool, liposuction from our
Palm Desert
Cosmetic Surgery Institute allows you to do
something that exercise, and dieting can’t accomplish: remove targeted pockets
of fat from isolated spots. Understanding the basics of fat loss—and why it’s
so difficult to “spot reduce” unwanted bulk in certain areas—can help anyone wondering
why their daily exercise routines and low-carb lunches aren’t touching a pesky
double chin or love handles.

Unfortunately, although your overall body fat percentage may
be lower after weeks or months of working out and reducing your calorie intake,
you may be frustrated when you notice that the areas you want to lose weight
from don’t seem to ever grow any slimmer. Additionally, many people get to a
point where exercise isn’t enough for them to get to the point where they have achieved
their body contouring goals.

A balanced diet and getting enough routine physical activity
certainly keep you healthy. However, if you’ve reached a weight-loss plateau—meaning
you’re still following your exercise and diet closely, but are temporarily unable
to lose any more weight—cosmetic procedures may be the best option for helping
you attain the shape you want.

Body fat or adipose is a connective tissue that has many
important health benefits, including temperature regulation, balancing hormone
levels, improving reproductive health, and serving as an energy reserve to use
for fueling our activities.

You may notice that whenever you gain weight, it usually
goes to one or two areas. For some people, it’s the belly. For others, it’s the
thighs and buttocks. Ideally, we could simply do exercises that focused on
specific areas to make them thinner. For example, wouldn’t it be great if running
and squats would automatically give someone smaller thighs? Sadly, fat doesn’t
work that way.

The way that our bodies distribute fat and the “order” in
which it is lost is mostly determined by genetics, gender, metabolism, and body
shape. Women typically store more fat in their hips and thighs because it is
essential for childbearing, so these may be the last areas to reduce in volume.
Men tend to have more at in the abdominal area.

Also, the most recent area where you gained weight is likely
where you lose it from first.

Generally, you’re likely to retain your same basic body
shape—but in a smaller size—after weight loss. Liposuction, however, can help with
all of these challenges by targeting specific pockets of fat no matter when
they first appeared, as well as improving proportions after you’ve reached a
stable weight. Think of it as customizable body contouring.

Interested in having liposuction in Palm Desert? To request
a consultation with Cosmetic Surgery
, give us a call at (760) 837-0364 or fill out a contact form.

BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®: How Do They Compare?

When it comes to getting
rid of pesky wrinkles and lines, patients know that BOTOX®
in Palm Desert
is an
especially effective way to achieve a more alert, rejuvenated, and youthful
facial appearance. However, some patients may be unaware that BOTOX®
isn’t the only injectable neurotoxin available; there are other products, such
as Dysport® and Xeomin®, that are comparable to the most
famous wrinkle-fighting brand. Statistics from the American Society of Plastic
Surgeons show that botulinum toxin type A injections were the most frequently
performed minimally invasive procedure in 2019.

Wondering which of the botulinum
toxin-derived injectables is best suited for your needs? Our Cosmetic Surgery
Institute team provides a basic explanation of the subtle similarities and
differences between BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®.


BOTOX® is FDA-approved
for frown lines (glabellar lines), crow’s feet, and forehead lines. It’s the
most popular wrinkle injection of its kind in the United States and was the
first of this type to be approved for cosmetic use.

All neurotoxin injectables contain
a purified form of a protein called botulinum toxin type A as their active
ingredient. The chemical temporarily stops wrinkles caused by excessive muscle
activity by preventing signals from the nerves from reaching the muscles.

Injections are administered
in-office via a micro-needle, introduced into specific facial muscles. No
recovery time is required, and any side effects that the patient
experiences—such as bruising or swelling—are typically very mild and temporary.
Effects last between three to four months.


Dysport® is FDA-approved
for moderate to severe glabellar lines. It is less potent than BOTOX®
and diffuses more easily, so it works well on larger areas. The onset is faster,
as it starts working within 24 hours, but it tends to wear off more quickly
than BOTOX®.


In some cases, other
muscle-relaxing injectables grow less effective over time on patients who use
them regularly, because their bodies essentially develop a resistance to them. Xeomin®
is a unique neuromodulator in that it contains only botulinum toxin, without
any additives, so patients are less likely to build up a resistance. Also, fewer
units may be needed to get the same results.

No one injectable is
“better” than another. Instead, certain options may be betters suited for
specific patients. Our team can help to determine which is best for you.

Learn more about BOTOX®,
Dysport®, and Xeomin® from Palm Desert’s Cosmetic Surgery Institute. For further details, give us a call at (760)
837-0364 or submit
a contact form
to request a

Which Lip Filler is Best for Me?

Lip injections can significantly change the shape and size
of your lips for months at a time. There are many choices of lip filler
for Rancho Mirage and Palm Desert
patients to choose from, each
with a unique purposes—so patients may be confused by their options and unsure
about whether they’re making the right decision for their lips. Our Cosmetic
Surgery Institute team can assess your features and advise you on what to
expect from the various fillers available. The most suitable option for you
depends on your individual goals, anatomy, and the concerns you’re hoping to
address. The following are some of the most popular lip enhancement treatments:


All fillers in the Juvederm® line are soft gels
containing hyaluronic acid, a moisture-bonding molecule that exists naturally
in the skin and maintains hydration levels. Ultra, one of the thicker filler
options, is a good choice if you want to increase the size of your lips (but
not in a cartoonishly exaggerated way) to give them a much more supple, pouty fullness.
Patients who have lost a significant amount of volume as they have aged can
especially benefit from this filler.


Tiny amounts of filler injected
in strategic locations can make a big difference to the overall look of your
lips. To smooth out fine lip lines, fill in small grooves, and redefine the
borders of the lips, Volbella® is typically the preferred choice. This
filler adds a small amount of volume to the lips—but not as much as Ultra—and
its thin, light texture makes it great for precise, subtle work. Volbella®
is usually injected into the superficial layers of skin. It also works on
vertical expression lines above the mouth, often called smoker’s lines, which
appear due to repeated lip pursing.


Restylane® Silk
is another colorless, hyaluronic acid-based filler gel used for lip
augmentation and minimizing wrinkles. Because it contains small, smooth
hyaluronic acid particles, it creates soft, natural-looking results and is
typically used for fine lines on or around the lips, the edges of the lips, and
downturned corners of the mouth.

Restyane® Kysse™

The latest filler in the
Restylane® line, Kysse™ was designed with proprietary processes to
be especially flexible while still allowing for a natural look. Injections can
enhance both lip texture and color, with results lasting for up to a year.

Learn more about the lip filler options available from Cosmetic Surgery Institute, serving
Rancho Mirage and Palm Desert. Call us at (760) 837-0364 or fill out a contact form to request
a consultation.

4 Tell-Tale Signs You’ve Had BOTOX® (and How to Avoid Them)

Cosmetic treatments weren’t always things that people openly discussed. Although times are changing and “having work done” is no longer a taboo topic for conversation, it’s understandable that not everyone is ready to announce to the world when they’ve had an injection somewhere on their face or body. Some people simply aren’t as comfortable when it comes to being open about this subject with friends, family, or strangers—for fear of judgment or something else—and that’s OK. If you want to keep things under wraps when having BOTOX® near Rancho Mirage and Palm Desert, here are some things our physicians at Cosmetic Surgery Institute recommend considering:

1. Overarched Eyebrows

Brows that resemble Mr. Spock from Star Trek and give you a perpetually surprised or angry expression will be a dead giveaway to others. Minimize the risk of this and other unwanted side effects by choosing a qualified provider who uses proper techniques from proper training. Women and men who may have found themselves with this unfortunate result from a visit to a less-than-stellar injector can come to Cosmetic Surgery Institute, where we can help by strategically adding small amounts of BOTOX® to relax the muscles that are pulling the brows up.

2. Immobile Forehead

The secret to keeping your face looking as natural and refreshed as possible is using just the right amount of BOTOX®. You want to continue to have movement in the face. Too much injected into forehead area just causes it to be awkwardly stiff and gives you a robotic expression that makes your neuromodulator use very obvious.

3. Bunny Nose

Some people already have fine, diagonal lines at the sides of their nose from aging, but it’s a little-known reality that BOTOX® injected nearby for other reasons occasionally causes them to be more apparent. You can see these “bunny lines” when you squint or laugh and your nose crinkles. The muscles in this area that work harder to make expressions after you’ve injected other areas, such as the forehead, can be softened with a few extra units around the nose.

4. Bruising

Reddish or purple bruises
after any needle injection are common. Avoid scheduling a treatment just before
a major social event—and give yourself time to heal, just in case. Ice your
face after a treatment, and apply a neutralizing concealer to hide bruises if necessary.
You can also ask our team for more advice.

Learn more about BOTOX®
from our experienced team at Cosmetic
Surgery Institute.
For further
details, call us at (760) 837-0364 or fill out a contact form to submit your info.

5 Bra Suggestions for Shopping After Breast Augmentation

For most women, shopping
for bras is challenging enough as it is—even if they haven’t had plastic
surgery. Our patients sometimes report that bra sizing becomes even more of a
challenge after having a high-quality breast augmentation from our
Palm Springs
-based team
at Cosmetic Surgery Institute.

While you may be
tempted to immediately rush out and buy all-new bras to flaunt your figure
after surgery, your breasts will experience some swelling immediately after the
procedure, and it can be difficult to predict what their exact size will be
after they’ve completely healed. Breasts will also continue to change slightly
for six months following augmentation surgery.

These tips are
intended to make it easier for you to find the perfect support (or even lingerie!)
after your surgery.

There’s No Such Thing as a Standard Cup/Bra Size

Many women spend a good portion of their adult lives wearing bras that are technically not the right size for them. Sizing labels can give you an idea of the general size of the bra, but the problem is that sizing for a given bra is actually determined by the company that creates the bra—so the A, B, C, and D sizes aren’t as universal as you might think. It’s also important to note that implant sizes aren’t the same as cup sizes.

It’s Better to Try Them On

Don’t bother with online shopping at first—especially for costly undergarments. As with any other type of clothing, when buying bras, it’s often better to just go into the store in person and see how they fit. When in doubt, this is the best way to find what you need (especially if all the online size calculators aren’t helping you). Ideally, you can be re-measured and professionally fitted for bras after your recovery.

Consider the Shape of Your Implants

Note that some bras will work better for teardrop-shaped breasts, while others are intended for round breasts. This is another reason in-person shopping is ideal. You can see not just how a bra fits, but how it looks on you!

Use Non-Wire Bras

You’ll have to
wait until your breasts have completely healed before moving on to conventional
wire bras. In the meantime, choose a different sort of support.

Try A Plunge Bra

Many augmentation
patients “start from scratch” and experiment with new styles after they’ve
healed from their surgery. A “plunge bra” is a push-up type that doesn’t have
uncomfortable wires and is good for heavier breasts.

Get more breast
augmentation tips from Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Patients in Palm Springs and the entire
Los Angeles area can connect with us by calling 760-837-0364 or write to us