August 1, 2020
4 Tell-Tale Signs You’ve Had BOTOX® (and How to Avoid Them)
Cosmetic treatments weren’t always things that people openly discussed. Although times are changing and “having work done” is no longer a taboo topic for conversation, it’s understandable that not…
Breast AugmentationCosmetic Surgery
June 1, 2020
5 Bra Suggestions for Shopping After Breast Augmentation
For most women, shopping for bras is challenging enough as it is—even if they haven’t had plastic surgery. Our patients sometimes report that bra sizing becomes even more of a challenge after having…
Cosmetic SurgeryLiposuctionTummy Tuck
May 20, 2020
How Can a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Work Together?
If your midsection is a “problem zone” for you, you probably already know how difficult it is to maintain a lean look. You may do everything right—including eating well and exercising—but a flat…
April 4, 2020
The Negative Effects of Smoking on Liposuction Results
Liposuction continues to be an ideal surgical technique for dramatic body-contouring results. It produces new contours faster than non-invasive alternatives can, is generally low risk, doesn’t…
Breast AugmentationCosmetic Surgery
February 27, 2020
Working Out After Breast Augmentation
If you’re unsatisfied with the size and shape of your breasts, one of the most popular options for making a change is breast augmentation. The Palm Desert-based Cosmetic Surgery Institute team…