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Face Neck Lift Case 1
66-year-old woman. Dr. Mo Zakhireh performed surgery for muscle tightening of the face and neck. Fat was also added to her lips, but not with the intention of making them very lar...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 1
CR was a 25-year-old female who came to Cosmetic Surgery Institute requesting a breast augmentation from the Los Angeles practice. She had no children, was a 34B cup at 5'9"...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 1
VK was a 23-year-old female from Palm Springs with a history of breast feeding over a period of five months. She was 5’ tall and weighed 100 lbs. Her husband was stationed in the mi...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Tummy Tuck Case 1
When abdominal muscles and skin have been stretched by pregnancy, weight fluctuation, or aging, it is nearly impossible to regain a taut midsection. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, at the Palm De...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Liposuctions with Renuvion Case 1
This is a 59-year-old female who desires liposuction of torso, she is 5 feet 7 inches and 145 pounds. She had not had any kids and her skin of the abdomen is tight, she did not need any kind ...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Brazilian Butt Lift Case 1
Dr. Mo Zakhireh performs Brazilian butt lift procedures in Palm Desert at the state-of-the-art surgical suite of Cosmetic Surgery Institute. During the liposuction portion of the procedur...more
Sub-Category : Brazilian Butt Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Mommy Makeover Case 1
40-year-old woman. She has had four large pregnancies, which have stretched her abdominal muscles and resulted in fat loss from her breasts and buttocks. She was a 34A cup at 5’6” and ...more
Sub-Category : Mommy Makeover (Body)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Lip Filler Case 1
Injector: Candis Jones R.N Location: SkinLab on El Paseo Product: Vollure 1mL Treated: Lips more
Sub-Category : Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
BSN, RN : Candis Jones
Esthetician Services Chemical Peel Case 1
Provider: Sally Location: SkinLab on El Paseo Product: Advanced Corrective Peel x3 Treated: Full Face more
Sub-Category : Chemical Peel
Provider : Esthetician Services
Broad Band Light Laser Case 1
This patient came to Cosmetic Surgery Institute hoping to enhance his facial appearance. He didn't want downtime and wanted to look like a more "refreshed" and younger ...more
Sub-Category : Broad Band Light Laser
BSN, RN : Adrienne Bloom
Trifecta Laser Case 1
This patient came to Cosmetic Surgery Institute complaining that when she looked in the mirror, she didn’t look like the person she feels like inside. Adrienne Bloom and the&nb...more
Sub-Category : Trifecta Laser
BSN, RN : Adrienne Bloom
Brachioplasty Case 1
Patient is a 54 year old female, she is 5 feet and 4 inches and 235 pounds. She has extensively heavy and ptotic bilateral upper dorsal arms. I have offered the patient bilateral brachi...more
Sub-Category : Brachioplasty
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Hair Restoration Case 1
This patient complained of thinning hair around her hairline. She didn't like how thin her hair was when she pulled it back or wanted to wear it up. Esthetician Adrienne Bloom from Cosmeti...more
Sub-Category : Hair Restoration with Collagen Induction Therapy
BSN, RN : Adrienne Bloom
Quad Bleph Case 1
With aging, gravity causes excess, saggy skin to occur, and patients may notice "heavy" upper eyelids, the appearance of bags under the eyes, and a loss of volume in the fa...more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fat Transfer to Face Case 1
This patient is a 44-year-old female who has had a history of lower blepharoplasties done 3 to 4 months ago, and now, she feels that her lower lids are very hallow. The patient on physical ex...more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Gynecomastia Case 1
This is a 32-year-old gentleman with a longstanding history of gynecomastia ever since he was 20 years old. He has very glandular breast and nipple-areola complex glandular tissue. more
Sub-Category : Gynecomastia
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Otoplasty Case 1
This patient is 6 feet tall and 145 pounds. He has bilateral prominent ears with very deep inset conchal bowls and also obtuse angled antihelix. Helical distance to the scalp is 3 cm. ...more
Sub-Category : Otoplasty
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift W/O Implants
This is a 22-year-old female who has always had ptotic breasts. She is currently a 34 C cup. She is 5 feet 2 inches and 135 pounds. She has grade 3 ptotic breasts with nipple-to-mid-cla...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift No Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 2
IL was a 20-year-old female with a 34A cup breast size at 5'5" and weighing 128 lbs. This patient was in excellent shape with a very low body fat percentage and had just returned...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 2
This is a 32-year-old female having had two children. She has 40 D cup breasts and 5 feet 6 inches and 185 pounds. Mastopexy with breast augmentation with mentor Smooth Gel High-Profile 400 cc...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Liposuction with Renuvion Case 2
This patient is a 44-year-old female, the patient has also had one child at 8 pounds, no C-section. The patient on physical examination has moderate layer of lipodystrophy over the love handl...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Mommy Makeover Case 2
40 year old Women. Mother of 7 children. She breast fed them all and is a 36B cup at 5’6”and 165LBS. We took off 2 liters of fat from her back, flanks, love handles and axillae. Then ...more
Sub-Category : Mommy Makeover (Body)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Lip Filler Case 2
Injector: Candis Jones Location: SkinLab on El Paseo Product: Vollure 1mL Treated: Lips more
Sub-Category : Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
BSN, RN : Candis Jones
Esthetician Services Chemical Peel Case 2
Provider: Sally Location: SkinLab on El Paseo Product: Cosmelan Treatment Treated: Full Face more
Sub-Category : Chemical Peel
Provider : Esthetician Services
Trifecta Laser Case 2
Laser skin resurfacing with an erbium laser can be used to remove fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. It is effective at treating both superficial lines and moderately deep creases so that the...more
Sub-Category : Trifecta Laser
BSN, RN : Adrienne Bloom
Brachioplasty Case 2
This is a 74-year-old female coming in for brachioplasty and forearm plasty. The patient is 5 feet 4 inches and 185 pounds. She has bilateral very lax and ptotic forearms and proximal a...more
Sub-Category : Brachioplasty
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Hair Restoration Case 2
Collagen Induction Therapy stimulates hair growth using your body's own platelets. During a collagen induction therapy treatment at Los Angeles-based practice, Cosmetic Surgical Institute, some...more
Sub-Category : Hair Restoration with Collagen Induction Therapy
BSN, RN : Adrienne Bloom
Lower Bleph with Fat to Face
This is a 68-year-old gentleman complaining of very heavy lower lids and mid-face fat atrophy more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Bellafill Case 2
Provider: Candis Jones R.N Location: SkinLab on El Paseo Product: Bellafill more
Sub-Category : Bellafill
BSN, RN : Candis Jones
Fat Transfer Case 2
This is a 56-year-old gentleman with no past surgical history. He is 6 feet 1 inch and 174 pounds. His face is very gaunt and skinny. He has lost quite a bit of fat from mid-face and temporal regio...more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Otoplasty Case 2
This is a 50-year-old gentleman who comes in for otoplasty, and he is otherwise very healthy. On physical examination, he is 5 feet 7 inches and 156 pounds. He has distance from the hel...more
Sub-Category : Otoplasty
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Facelift & Neck Lift Case 3
Patient came into the practice with face and neck laxity, neck banding, puffy lower eyelids and underlying, hollow tear troughs. She received multiple procedures including a neck lift and facelift....more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 3
48-year-old lady who came to Cosmetic Surgery Institute from Orange County. This patient was a 34A cup at 5” tall and 105 lbs. She had a history of breastfeedin...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 3
37 years old female who originally came in with a grade 4 ptotic breasts with saline implants in and the saline implants were up high and the skin was hanging. She had removal and mastop...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Lower Face Liposuction
This is a 32-year-old female who came in for liposuction of the neck consultation. The patient reports having had very chubby lower face and neck and she has her father's face. She ...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Mommy Makeover Case 3
This is a 32-year-old female having had two children. She has 40 D cup breasts and 5 feet 6 inches and 185 pounds. She has got abdominal laxity with extensive stretch marks, buttock fat atroph...more
Sub-Category : Mommy Makeover (Body)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Filler Case 3
Provider: Candis Location: SkinLab El Paseo Product: Voluma/ Vobella/ Vollure Treated: - 2 Voluma for cheek/Under eye support and softening cheek bone transition - 1.5 Volbella to un...more
Sub-Category : Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
BSN, RN : Candis Jones
Quad Bleph Case 3
This is a 52-year-old gentleman who is healthy and needs upper and lower lids done. He, on physical examination, has very heavy upper eyelids and puffy lower lids with hollow tear troughs and...more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fat Transfer to Face Case 3
This is a 60-year-old female with face and neck laxity, periocular rhytids, and perioral rhytids coming in for face and neck lift and fat to face and ALMI to face. I have also recommended Erb...more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Mini Facelift Case 4
This is a 67-year-old female who had her eyes done with us in November 2017. She had upper blepharoplasty and fat to face. The patient is now back for face and neck lift. She has ...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 4
30-year-old Patient was an athletic and lean 5’2”, weighing in at 120 lbs with 32A cup breasts that had deflated due to breastfeeding. The team had size...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 4
This is a 47-year-old female who comes to us with a chief complaint of sagging breasts. The patient has had two children and she breast-fed them both. She has currently 38 small D cup b...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Total Back Liposuction
This is a 32-year-old female having had two children, 8 pounds each at birth. She has reportedly 40 D cup breasts and 5 feet 6 inches and 185 pounds. She has got abdominal laxity w...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Lower Bleph Case 4
This is a 42-year-old gentleman who has had malar fat atrophy and puffiness under his eyes. He has gotten to the point where people are making comments about him looking tired or looking hung...more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fat Transfer to Face Case 4
66-year-old woman. Dr. Mo Zakhireh performed surgery for muscle tightening of the face and neck. Fat was also added to her lips, but not with the intention of making them very lar...more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face Neck Lift Case 5
This is a 65-year-old gentleman who lost 45 pounds during the COVID by eating healthy and now his neck and face sag and he wishes to have a face and neck lift. The patient on physical examina...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 5
This is a 42-year-old female who is 34 A cup. She has had four children and breastfed all four. She is 5 feet 2 inches and has bilateral A cup breasts with grade 1 ptosis and no palpabl...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 5
This is a 41-year-old female who has breastfed two children and has 34 large B, small C cup pseudoptotic breasts. She is 5 feet and 1 inch and 120 pounds. The patient has been sized with...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Neck Lipo Case 1
62-year-old female who came in with complaint of sagging neck and desires tightening of her neck and jowls. The patient is 5 feet 1 inch and 127 pounds. She has neck lipodystrophy right...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Mommy Makeover Case 4
This is a 35-year-old female who had breast augmentation done by us in 2008. She came in with a complaint of a tethered C-section scar. She is 5 feet 10 inches and 185 pounds. ...more
Sub-Category : Mommy Makeover (Body)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Lower Bleph Case 5
68-year-old women. Patient came into the practice with face and neck laxity, neck banding, puffy lower eyelids and underlying, hollow tear troughs. She received multiple procedures including a nec...more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fat Transfer to Face Case 5
Patient came into the practice with face and neck laxity, neck banding, puffy lower eyelids and underlying, hollow tear troughs. She received multiple procedures including a neck lift and facelift....more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face Neck Lift Case 6
This is a 70-year-old female with a previous history of face and neck lift in 2011. The patient on physical examination is 5 feet 8 inches and 150 pounds. She has very thick leathery Fi...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 6
This is a 31-year-old female who is 5 feet and 6 inches and 145 pounds. On physical examination., she has small B cup breasts. The right breast is slightly larger than the left breast b...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Panniculectomy Case 1
This is a 63-year-old gentleman who has had several sessions of liposuction in the past, and he is very heavy throughout the axilla and chest region and also in the abdomen and back and he has a lo...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Neck Lipo Case 2
This is a 23-year-old female with a moderate amount of neck lipodystrophy and fullness, and she would like to do liposuction to get rid of the fullness and define her jawline a bit more. On p...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Upper Bleph Case 6
This patient is a 65-year-old female who had upper blepharoplasty and fat to mid face only. more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Mini Facelift Case 7
62-year-old female who came in with complaint of sagging neck and desires tightening of her neck and jowls. The patient is 5 feet 1 inch and 127 pounds. She has neck lipodystrophy right...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 7
This is a 42-year-old female having had two children and breastfeeding both. She has currently 34 large B, small C cup breasts.She is 5 feet 7 inches and 140 pounds. Bilateral breasts a...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 6
This is a 34-year-old female having had three children, 9 pounds, 9 pounds, and 7 pounds each with C-section. The patient is 5 feet 1 inch and 138 pounds. Breast augmentation ...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Tummy Tuck Case 6
This is a 34-year-old female She has had three heavy pregnancies in the past, and she breastfed and currently has 36 B cup breasts and would like to have larger breasts and also to take care ...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Neck and Jowl Liposution
This is a 41-year-old female who is Hispanic, and she comes in for neck and lower face lipo. The patient is 5 feet 3 inches and 250 pounds, and she has Fitzpatrick type 4 skin. Her skin...more
Sub-Category : Liposuction
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Upper Bleph Case 7
In addition to her neck lift she also had upper eyelid surgery, a facelift, fat added to her tear troughs (lower lids), and ALMI added to the area around her lips. more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fat Transfer to Face Case 6
This is a 65-year-old gentleman who lost 45 pounds during the COVID by eating healthy and now his neck and face sag and he wishes to have a face and neck lift. The patient on physical examina...more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face Neck Lift Case 8
This is a 67-year-old female having had a previous history of a face and neck lift and upper and lower blepharoplasties 20 years ago. The patient is 5 feet 7 and 148 pounds. She is a Fi...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 8
This is a 35-year-old female who is very healthy. She is 5 feet 9 inches and 148 pounds. She is a 34 B cup, she has bilateral pseudoptotic B cup breasts. During the original ...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Tummy Tuck Case 7
This is a 41-year-old female who has had previously breast work done and liposuction three years ago in the knees and thighs. The patient has a history of having had three children, 6 pounds ...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Upper Bleph Case 8
This is a 59-year-old female who comes in with very heavy both upper and lower eyelids, but she only wants her upper eyelids done. She is 5 feet 4 inches and 120 pounds. She has leather...more
Sub-Category : Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fat Transfer Case 7
This is a 70-year-old female with a previous history of face and neck lift in 2011. The patient on physical examination is 5 feet 8 inches and 150 pounds. She has very thick leathery Fi...more
Sub-Category : Fat Grafting
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face and Neck Lift Case 9
This is a 52-year-old established patient who has had multiple surgeries with us. Now, the patient has lost quite bit of weight, and she noticed that her face is sagging. This patient i...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 9
This is a 48-year-old female having had two children who she breast-fed. She had breast augmentation with saline implants 20 years ago, and she came in with a flat implant on the right hand s...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Lift Case 7
This is a 64-year-old female who has 36 DDD cup breasts. She is 5 feet 3 inches and 140 pounds. She has the right breast which is slightly larger and more pendulous than the left breast...more
Sub-Category : Breast Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Tummy Tuck Case 8
This is a 53-year-old female with a previous history of two pregnancies at 8 pounds each. The patient, on physical examination, has abdominal laxity and well-healed C-section scar. She ...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Fillers Case 6
Providers: Candis Jones R.N Locations: SkinLab on El Paseo Product: Refyne Mid Face and Vollure Lips more
Sub-Category : Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
BSN, RN : Candis Jones
Breast Augmentation Case 10
This is a 38-year-old female who had breast augmentation done with saline implants under the muscle 19 years ago, and she is currently a C cup having had two children and breastfeeding one of them,...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Tummy Tuck Case 9
This is a 35-year-old female with desire of having tummy tuck and liposuction of the back. She has a cheir complaint of enlarged abdomen and lipodystrophy. The patient has a previous history if C-S...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 11
This is a 36-year-old female who desires breast augmentation. She has had three children and breastfed all three. She is a 36 B cup and she is 5 feet 7 inches and 170 pounds. ...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Tummy Tuck Case 10
This is a 51-year-old female having had a history of hysterectomy and C-section, has had two children at 7 pounds and 8 pounds. The patient is 5 feet 4 inches and 130 pounds. She has ex...more
Sub-Category : Tummy Tuck
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face and Neck Lift 10
This is a 69-year-old female who had face and neck lift, quad bleph, erbium laser, and fat to face done with us in 2015. The patient is back for revision of face and neck lift. Things h...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 12
This is a 34-year-old female She has had three heavy pregnancies in the past, and she breastfed and currently has 36 B cup breasts and would like to have larger breasts and also to take care ...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face and Neck Lift Case 13
This is a 59-year-old female who comes in for facial rejuvenation surgery. She is 5 feet 2 inches and 107 pounds. She has very heavy upper eyelids, midface fat atrophy, very prominent n...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 13
This is a 40-year-old female coming in for a breast augmentation. The patient is 5 feet 10 inches and 135 pounds. She has large A cup breast, with a prominent rib cage. Therefore, smaller imp...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face and Neck Lift Case 11
This is a 68-year-old female who has had two previous surgeries, first one was in 1999 and the second one was done by us in 2014. The patient is back for re-tightening of her skin in the neck...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face and Neck Lift 12
This is a 74-year-old gentleman who is desiring a face and neck lift. He is 5 feet 9 inches and 160 pounds. He is a Fitzpatrick type 3. He has significant neck laxity and jowls, p...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 14
This is a 40-year-old female who had a bilateral removal of implants and capsulectomy due to capsular contracture. The patient is 5 feet 2 inches and 135 pounds, and she has pseudoptotic A cup brea...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 15
This is a 29-year-old femlae having breadfed two children. The left ribcage is more prjected making the left breast slightly larger and more projected. The patient has been sized with Mentor Smooth...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 16
This is a 40-year-old female having had two children, not breastfed. Current breast size is 34 B cup. She is 5 feet tall and 141 pounds. She has very broad shoulders and prominent...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 17
This is a 40-year-old female with current bra size of 34 large A small B cup. She has had three children and breastfed all three. The patient is 5 feet tall and 124 pounds, and she has ...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 18
This is a 36-year-old female having had one child at 6 pounds. She is a 32 small B. She did breastfeed. She is 5 feet 5 inches and 135 pounds. She has pseudoptotic bilat...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Neck Lift Case 1
78-year-old woman. Dr. Mo Zakhireh performed a neck lift for her. She stated that she felt younger than her age and wanted her face and neck to show her youth! In addition to her neck li...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 19
This is a 29-year-old female who desires breast augmentation. She has had one child and breastfed. She has bilateral A cup breasts. On physical examination, she is 5 feet 2 inches...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Neck Lift Case 2
71-year-old Female. To help this patient attain her goals, Dr. Mo Zakhireh decided to provide a neck lift . The surgeon mentioned that this patient was actually somewhat nervou...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 20
This is a 35-year-old female who comes in for breast augmentation. The patient is 34 A cup. She has breastfed one child, and she is 5 feet 2 inches and 112 pounds with bilateral psuedop...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Neck Lift Case 3
This is a 59-year-old female She does not want eyes done, does not want fat, and does not want any laser to face. more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 21
This is a 34-year-old female having had eight children and breastfed all eight. She is currently a size 36 B cup. The patient is 5 feet 5 inches and 167 pounds, and she has been sized w...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face Lift Case 1
This is a 60-year-old female with face and neck laxity, periocular rhytids, and perioral rhytids coming in for face and neck lift and fat to face and ALMI to face. I have also recommended Erb...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 22
This is a 27-year-old female who is coming in for breast augmentation. The patient is 5 feet 5 inches and 105 pounds. She has currently size A cup breasts and wishes to be a DD, and she...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 23
This is a 34-year-old female who comes in for breast augmentation, the patient has had three children by C-section, The patient's current breast size is 34 large A, small B. She is 5 feet...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Face Lift Case 2
This is a 68-year-old female who has face and neck laxity and midface fat atrophy. She would like to have her neck tightened and the bands done and face tightened and fat to face including he...more
Sub-Category : Facelift & Neck Lift
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 24
This is a 43-year-old female, she is 5 feet 4 inches and 120 pounds. She has bilateral large A cup breasts, and she has prominent chest and rib cage. She has two children both by C-secti...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 25
This is a 28-year-old female who comes in for breast augmentation surgery. The patient is 5 feet 3 inches and 105 pounds, Fitzpatrick skin type 4, and Hispanic. The patient is slender i...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 26
This is a 30-year-old female who has had saline implants that were put in 12 years ago, and she has slowly noted that her left breast has become smaller. Patient is 5 feet 7 inches and 145 pounds.&...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 27
This is a 20-year-old female who comes in for breast augmentation, desiring smooth gel high-profile implants. The patient is 5 feet 4 inches and 134 pounds. She is a Fitzpatrick s...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 28
Breast augmentation with Sientra smooth gel high-profile 535 cc implants. This is a 33-year-old female who has had two children and did not breastfeed. She is currently a 36 A cup breast, Fi...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 29
Breast augmentation with Sientra Smooth Gel High-Profile 385 cc implants. This is a 37-year-old female who has breastfed two children and currently is a 34 A cup. The patient is 5 feet 6 inc...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh
Breast Augmentation Case 30
This is a 41-year-old female patient. The patient has had three children, 23-year-old, 19-year-old, and 17-year-old. No C-section. She breastfed two of them. She is cur...more
Sub-Category : Breast Augmentation
Surgeon : Mo Zakhireh